Monday, March 28, 2011

Green Tea Waffle

I love waffles and warm syrup!  What is better than waffles, warm syrup, bacon and eggs as breakfast?  I like the Aunt Jemina Buttermilk pancake mix.  For this morning breakfast, I decided to add some matcha green tea powder into the mix.  I only added a tablespoon of matcha green tea powder and the waffles didn't really taste as I thought it would.  Next time I would add two tablespoon and hope it will taste like green tea.  It was pretty green color though.

Another weekend is here and a big breakfast with green tea waffle, scramble eggs, and bacon is a must.  This time I added double the amount of green tea matcha powder into the batter ( 1 1/2 tablespoon ) than I did the last time and the waffle came out much greener and you can definitely taste the green tea flavoring!  I do not put a overflowing amount of batter on my waffle maker because I hate the mess and the exposed part of the waffle shows off the color!  I do eat with my eyes too.

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