Sunday, July 31, 2011

BLT Wrap


Due to the intense heat of this summer, I have been trying to find different recipes that require little heat to cook. When I open a package of bacon, I cook the whole package.  I cook it in the oven because it is much cleaner than cooking it over the stove top.  Also I hate how bacon look after a week it is opened.  Beside why not cook it all in one shot and save from turning on the oven again and again to cook one the same thing.  Cooked bacon can be kept in the fridge for 2 weeks and I actually like to reheat bacon over the pan to make it crispier.  However you can not keep it in the fridge for too long because it would taste frost bitten. I know this because I ate some 3 weeks old bacon from the fridge and although it was still safe to eat after reheating, the taste was off.

Here is a low carb version of the BLT. I For this recipe I used Tomato Basil Flavor wrap. I used a Spinach flavor wrap for a previous recipe and that wrap has no flavor.  It does make a very pretty picture though.  This Tomato Basil wrap not only taste good and it is also pretty in picture.  I love Roma tomatoes because the taste is sweeter and much tastier and Romaine hearts because it is sweeter and crisper.  Do not over-stuff the wraps as I did because you will not be able to wrap it properly

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