Sunday, July 3, 2011

Pickled Snow Cabbage and Pork

The Chinese love their pickled items.  I grow up with fresh vegetables and meat at every meals but there were always some sort of pickled items on the dining table because my grandfather love them.  They pickle anything from mushroom to vegetables to fruits.  

The pickled snow cabbage was a bit salty so I recommend that you rinse it under the faucet.  I wish I had took a picture of the can but I forgot to do so.

  • 4 slices of thin cut pork chops
  • 2 7 oz pickled snow cabbage
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 tablespoon cornstarch
  • salt and white pepper

  1. Cut the pork cutlets into thin slices and season with a sprinkle of salt and white pepper.
  2. Evenly coat the pork in corn starch.
  3. Pour the cabbage into a strainer and run it under cold water and drain.
  4.  Saute the pork in vegetable oil until it is cooked through.
  5. Then add the snow cabbage and saute for another 5 minutes until the flavors are combined.
I served this with rice.

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