Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chicken Wrap

NYC had about 2 weeks of unbearable heat during this July.  I have never seen New Yorkers so subdue, the usual quick pace and nastiness was replaced with a look of defeat.  The heat was so intense that the mechanical clocks in the underground train stations stopped working. My method of surviving was keeping myself hydrated with semi frozen Gatorade.  Then during the hottest hours when I am out, I have a frozen bottle of water place against my skin.  Yes, people have stared at me and their eyes brightened with my method of trying to stay cool.  Usually this would have been met with strange condescending looks but it have been truly brutal because of this heat. 

So cooking in the heat is out of the question.  But one have to eat and take out is not an option when you do not feel like greasy food.  This wrap is so easy and pair it with chips makes it a satisfying meal! I did not think that a wrap filled with veggies and a chicken breast will fill me up but I was fulled! Let me tell you, I am a very big eater and it surprises people when I eat.  I am always asked "Where do you put it all?"

Recipe for each wrap:

  • 1 boneless chicken breast
  • 2 romaine lettuce leaves
  • Half Roma tomatoes
  • 1/2 tbsp Mayo
  • 2 tsp Vegetable oil
  • Salt & pepper
  • Spinach Wrap (or whatever flavor you prefer) 


  1. Season the chicken with salt and pepper then sear it in a pan. Sear both side until it is slightly brown.  Put a lid and cook until juices runs clear.
  2. In the mean time, cut the lettuce and tomato into small chunks.
  3. Spread 1/2 tbsp of mayo on the wrap and disperse the vegetables over half the wrap.
  4. After the chicken is cook through, let it stand for 5 minutes so the juices will be disperse. If  you cut it right away, the chicken will come out dry.
  5. Add chicken to the vegetable mixture and wrap.

If I have bacon on hand, I would add 2 strips of it because it makes it tastier.  I always pair it with kettle cooked  Utz Potato Chips, they are much crispier and less greasy.  You can season the chicken however you wish, like cayenne, garlic powder, cumin, etc.  Instead of plain mayo, you can add chipotle mayo or even miracle whip. Like I always say, play around with your food.  I have made many mistakes and some of my food actually came out disgusting but I learned from my mistakes and can only improve upon it.

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