Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pan seared Lamb chop

Lamb chop has a strong flavor so I paired it with the Tomato and Cilantro sauce (recipe is also in my blog). 

For each lamb chop:

  • 1/2 tbsp Italian Seasoning
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • 1/2 tbsp Vegetable oil

  1.  Season the chops on both side with Italian seasoning, salt and pepper.
  2.  Heat the oil in a cast iron pan on medium heat.
  3.  Sear the chops for 7 minutes each side.
  4.  Serve over the Tomato and Basil sauce with Jasmine rice.

I always serve the lamb chops with extra sauce on the side because I like my meat drowning in sauce. However not everyone do, so I give them the option of either more or just as I serve it.

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