Monday, September 5, 2011

Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemum tea is one of my favorite tea when I go for Dim Sum (Chinese Breakfast).

They are actual dried whole flowers.

As soon as the hot water is added, the flowers starts to expand.

For one cup of tea, I added about 3 or 4 flowers and steep it in hot water for about five minutes. For stronger tea, steep it in hot water for longer than five minutes. Chinese people believe that the chrysanthemum is great when it is consumed hot and without any sugar or honey to relieve sore throats.  In Malaysia and other Asian countries, Asian people drink their tea hot even when it is 100 degrees out.

I just bought a sturdy ForLife tea strainer which is great because it fits the spout of most mugs and you do not need to hold the strainer as the tea steep as I had to do with the last one.  The last one was a mesh of metal and it gets all bent out of shape if you put it in a drawers full of cooking tools.

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