Friday, September 9, 2011

Mid-day Snacks in Malaysia

Mid-day snacks always consist something fried and sweet.  There is a special name for these snacks but I am not even going to attempt to spell it here.  It is a Malaysian Chinese word, even Chinese in other regions do not understand.

These are rice paste that have different flavors in them.  They are filled with red bean paste or sometimes coconut flakes.  My favorite one is the black one that has no fillings.  I have never seen this one in NYC Chinatown, which is a shame.  The taste is amazing, although it is greasy to the touch, the taste is refreshing.  It is licorice grassy taste, I can not really explain it but it is my favorite out of all the snacks in this post.

More sweets in every color, like the rice paste sweets, these are greasy and very sweet. There are layers of different flavors and when I was young, I use to peel off the different layers and eat them separately.  I like the red ones the best.

These are absolutely delicious too, they are gooey and sweet like the others.  They are messy too because they are covered in coconut flakes.

Colorful sweet bread, this is like a dense sponge cake.

Chinese people love sweets, we consume way too much pastries and sweet rice paste.  These snacks are the reasons why so many Chinese are diabetic.

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