Friday, September 9, 2011

Typical Breakfast & Lunch

This is fried sweet dough with sweet sticky rice in the middle. The taste is amazing, I have not seen this anywhere else besides Malaysia.
This soup noodles is absolutely delicious! It is served in a clear tasty broth with fried tofu.  They do have this in NYC's Chinatown but the taste is incomparable to the ones I had in Malaysia.

This is my absolute favorite breakfast in Malaysia.  This is wonton noodles with brown sauce and a side of wontons in broth.  Out of the 18 days that I spent in Malaysia, I think I ate this about 10 times for breakfast because you simply can not get that kind of wonton noodles in NYC.

Mom's cooking was simply the best! The green is Chinese broccoli with fresh shrimps, which I requested of mom to cook several times.  Mom thought this request strange because most people in Malaysia do not like Chinese broccoli so the market seldom sells them.  Mom told me that the lady told her that no one likes them so she rarely have them when mom asked for it.  Bottom left is ginger scramble egg; they are very tasty and spicy.  I am not sure what the bottom right is; I did not care much for it anyway. The top right and left dishes are the same; they are sauté cauliflower, carrots and fried tofu.  The very top dish is fried fish with tomatoes. Yum!
Like other lunch and dinner, there are always multiple dishes served with rice. There is always a variety of fish, meat and vegetable dishes. Top left is steam fish with tomatoes, top right is fried hot dogs for my nieces, the middle dish is a sour vinegar pork which I loved, bottom left is fried stuffed tofu with soy bean paste, bottom middle is sauté green vegetable, and bottom right is pickled vegetable with pork.

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